Losing Weight for the Holidays

Why is Weight Loss so Hard?

Whether you want to lose weight for more guilt-free eating around thanksgiving, for health, or to look better on your christmas cards weight loss is a difficult journey. Ours is a society of social and emotional eating, meaning we commonly make food choices based on wanting to spend time with friends and family or to help us feel happy and cope with stress. When we try to transition into a diet that will lead to weight loss it is easy to get depressed because, if we aren’t careful, we lose some interaction with loved ones and one of our coping mechanisms. It is tricky to stick with long term change when we're depressed and looking for some sort of escape. 

That is why we structured our weight loss program to involve a diet that increases energy levels and weekly coaching to help you navigate the challenges that are unique to your life. Here are some of the reasons we chose the Ideal Protein weight loss program


  • Structured transition back into normal eating so you keep the weight off

  • Prepackaged foods designed by doctors make meal preparation easy, including on the go. 

  • You still prepare a meal a day which eases the transition into a normal diet that won’t have you putting all the weight back on

  • A weekly weigh in keeps you accountable and our coach helps you maintain/develop a healthy perspective on your weight

  • Supplementation specific to the diet ensures that you are getting the nutrients you need to be healthy


See if this program is right for you by scheduling a free consultation with our coach Maegan 7023645130

Other life changes that can help include: 

  • Starting hobbies and making friends that keep you physically active

  • Finding vegetable and olive oil based dishes that taste good. Meditteranean dishes are a good place to start

Learn more here https://idealprotein.com/ 

Photo by Karolina Grabowska