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Tropicana West Chiropractic Blog

Learn more about chiropractic care in our blog!

Tension Headaches: Home Care

The best treatment for headaches is prevention. Getting regular adjustments is extremely beneficial for preventing headaches. Otherwise, here are some pointers that will prevent a lot of tension headaches:

Allergy Season - Allergic Rhinitis

I think it’s fair to say that no one loves constantly sneezing, runny noses, and sinus pressure. After years of helping patients deal with their allergies, here’s what we’ve found to help:

Chest Pain after Eating? You may have a Hiatal Hernia

Chest pain after eating is caused by acid from your stomach backflowing into your throat. The tissue in your throat isn’t designed to withstand acid, hence the burning sensation we call...

Preventing Injury in Youth Sports

At every age, make sure you are doing something physically active for at least 30 minutes at least 3 times a week. It'll give you more energy and increase motivation and enjoyment of life.

Essentials of Quality Learning

Whether you put your kid in sports, go on hikes as a family, or play at the park, regular exercise will have a huge positive impact on your child’s health. Exercise has also been shown to decrease depression.

Return to School: Backpacks and Posture

Good posture decreases the load on kids’ spines which decreases pain and decreases the energy they’ll be wasting holding positions that are awkward for their muscles. Most kids slouch because...

Chest Pain with Negative Labs? A Chiropractor May be your Solution

Ever get chest pain, go to the ER and they run a battery of necessary tests on your heart and tell you your heart is healthy, give you medication, and send you on your way? We hear...

Benefits of Spinal Manipulation Therapy

Spinal manipulation therapy, an integral part of chiropractic care, is a versatile treatment option for a variety of ailments. This therapeutic intervention involves a trained chiropractor using their hands or a device to apply a controlled force to a joint of your spine.

Heavy Hitters for Heart Health

Heart disease is one of the primary reasons people die prematurely, and the habits that lead to heart disease also make you disabled in your later years instead of young and energetic into your 70s and beyond.

Sodium: Why it Matters for Blood Pressure, Health and What to Do About It

Sodium determines where water goes in your body... extra fluids also makes your heart work harder...